Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tis the Season...

...for a countryside walk. The sun was shining, no wind and it was a warm 11c so we decided to go for a walk around Pentcaitland in East Lothian. Although it's very close to home I've never actually been before as I have other favourite spots in East Lothian that normally get my attention first.
So here are a few snapshots from the walk.
Firstly Winton House, the big house on Winton Estate:
 I thought these chimneys on the gable end were interesting:

Winton House looks out over a terrace onto an ornamental lake:
The lovely iron gate through to the walled garden:

 A forest track through the estate:
So excited to see snowdrops in the woods-a sure sign that Spring is indeed around the corner:
 And finally, the church in Pentcaitland village:

It was so nice to get out into the fresh air, and explore somewhere new.

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