Saturday, March 7, 2009


Morningside, in Edinburgh is a gentile, Victorian middle class suburb.
The houses are are mixture of traditional tenament flats,
victorian terraces and grander detached victorian houses.
Morningside Road, the main shopping street,
is a mish mash of Victorian architecture and sixties shop fronts.
Despite this mix of architecture it comes as a complete shock
to wander 50 metres along a side street, through an archway,
and find yourself in the American Wild West.

How Bizarre:

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Friday, March 6, 2009

View at Currie

This photo was taken near Heriott Watt University,
at Currie-note the dusting of snow on the hills.

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Washing drying

This is how I dry my washingduring the winter-
all draped over our central heating radiators.
Not exactly HOUSE and GARDENS-but efficient!
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This photo is of the garden at Mortonhall Crematorium

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I was at a conference today at this football stadium.
It is the Hibernian Stadium in Edinburgh, and I took these photos
because Jack loves football stadiums!
It is in a very built up part of the city, so it is virtually impossible to get a
complete view.

This is the front:

Some display cases in the lounge area:

More exterior views:
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Monday, March 2, 2009


Because of high density housing, Britain has many allotments.
You can apply to lease a piece of land to garden.
I think these may heave originated during the war, when food was scarce,
and people were encouraged to grow their own food.
I pass one lot of allotments on my way to work, so today I stopped to take some photos.
The gardening season has not yet started, so the allotments are not productive at the moment.

Aren't they lovely?

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Sunday, March 1, 2009


I went for a quick walk this afternoon at Bonaly Country Park.
It started to hail while I was there.
I like this photo of the rusty fence.
The path leads across the end of the reservoir, on the right,
and filtration tanks on the left.

This old winch is by the fence-I don't know its purpose.
The bottom picture shows a view across the city-
Edinburgh Castle can be seen on the left,
just above the clump of trees.
and Arthur's Seat (Holyrood Park) is the big hill on the right.

Love the sky behind these trees,
and the snowdrops are a sign that Spring is on the way!

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