Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Inside out

We had the most magnificent sunset here today.
The sun was an enormous glowing circle just hanging in the sky.
I didn't have my camera!!
I was almost home, so I rushed in, got the camera
and drove the half mile back to where I had seen the perfect sun.
It was gone!
Well it would be wouldn't it?
So feeling dispirited I went home and took numerous photos around the house.
I love this one:

I was inside the house shooting through the front window,
trying to get a shot of Venus up behind the tree.
Well, I didn't get Venus.
but I did get the lounge room lights reflected in the window glass.
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Monday, February 2, 2009

Snow day

We woke up today to snow. It was so pretty, soft dry snow.
My front garden:

My back garden:

Some details:

The roads were so icy on the way home from work.
The roads were gridlocked.
2 hours to travel 5 miles-the down side of snow!!
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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Merchiston castle School

This school is just down the road from us.
If you've got lots of money your kids can go to a school like this:

The amount of land this school has is astounding,
especially when compared to our council schools,
most of which have very little playground space.

A close up of some of the trees in the grounds.
I'm always surprised that we can walk freely around the school grounds/
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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 31

Day 31!
I made it through a whole month with no relapses.
That must be a first for me. I am hopeless at following things through to the end!
Not that this is the end, of course, but at least I'm still going.
I had a very busy day scrapping today,
so my photo of the day is a photo of a work in progress-image transfers!

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 30

On my way to work I took this snap from the car window.
I like the contrasting architectural styles-the Scottish parliament building on the left,
and an old traditional building on the right.
I have to say I really don't like the Parliament building.
It is not aging well either!

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 29

A quick one today-my cosy corner....

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Emily and Jack went to the school ceildh tonight.
Jack was off with friends before I got home from work, so no photos of him in his kilt!
but lots of Emily in her first 'dress up'.
She was beside herself with excitement.
I curled her hair at her request.
She hated it!
I was the enemy!
Then the curl dropped-as I told her it would- and she relaxed a bit.
She was happy by the time her friends came around.
This was my favourite of the photos:

Some more:

and more still..
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