Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pretty as a Picture

I love these shots of  little Robyn. She was such a sweet little character, with a sweet little smile and the sweetest wee face.
Look at those eyes-see how they sparkle!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Valentine's Day Photoshoot.

During January I am offering Valentine's day photoshoots for families, and last weekend I had the chance to photograph two very sweet sisters. Getting a two and a half year old, and a baby who loves to crawl to keep still long enough to photograph isn't without its challenges!
But I managed to get some very cute shots all the same.
This photo is going to melt her daddy's heart
So will this:
and this:
and how sweet is this little face?
See my website if you would like to book a Valentine's Day photoshoot.