Today I went for a walk, a walk I have done many times before down to the Dell near my house. For those of you on the other side of the world the Dell is a small wooded valley. Our dell has a river-The Water of Leith, and I have walked along the water time and time again. It is so peaceful, and changes with the seasons, so there's always something new to see. Herons, magpies... I'm always attracted to the water. But today I decided to take a path that I've not walked before, and I'm so glad I did, as I made lots of discoveries.
The path I took was at the top of the dell, so it was interesting to look down into the dell, down to the path that I usually walk, seeing things from a different perspective. That's one of my favourite thing about photography too, seeing things from a different point of view, finding the small detail within the big picture.
Among my discoveries today was a complex of abandonded and derelict buildings:
I've actually been inside this building, Graysmill House, when it belonged to the council and they used to use it for inservice training. However it was sold to a developer who very strangely built a housing estate around it. Seems bizarre that very expensive new houses look out onto this. Maybe there are plans to develop it into apartments, but in the meantime, it's abandoned and no doubt falling into disrepair.
This little building may have been a workers cottage to support the big house:
And this was probably the stable block:
Peering through the hole in the door allowed me to get this shot:
The lock:
And my favourite photo of the day-I love the way the light is falling here:
The path took me through this disused tunnel-I think it was a railway tunnel perhaps:
Click on images to see larger.